Boot Dryers

These DryGuy boot dryers are a pretty awesome luxury. After an episode of surprise rain (actually, surprise explosive deluge) during a ride, we thought it might be a good idea to have some boot dryers on hand if we were going to rely on a single pair of bike shoes each. (Putting on cold squishy shoes the next day is never fun.) It made sense to keep the dryers near our shoes, so we hardwired them up in the front of our garage area. 

Since any heat element uses a lot of energy, we also didn’t want the health of our house battery to depend on us remembering to turn the dryers back off. We added a 12-hour spring wound timer which allows us to choose how long the dryers stayed on (depending on if we are just battling sweat or actual water) and the dryers automatically shut off after that time has elapsed.

Lessons Learned: When wiring things up, pay attention to the wiring diagrams that come with your products! We accidentally hooked up the timer incorrectly the first time so that the actual timer mechanism was being bypassed - when the wires were connected, the boot dryers stayed on constantly until we disconnected the wire again. Moving one wire to a different plug corrected the issue, and the timer now works perfectly!
