Our charge controller (the wizard that keeps our battery happy and healthy by optimizing how the power obtained by the solar panel is used) is a
Flexmax 60. How it works is total voodoo to me, but the important thing here is that it is an MPPT (maximum power point tracking) type charge controller, which means there are some extra special algorithms that help it to maximize the power output by the solar panel(s).
This charge controller is overkill for our needs with a single 345W panel. Originally, we wanted to opt for the simpler and more compact
Smart Harvest SCCM20-100, but at the time we ordered our solar supplies this particular charge controller was under a recall. The next logical step up from Outback Power was the Flexmax 60, so we ordered that instead. In retrospect, it has been really interesting and fun to see all of the data outputs provided by the Flexmax 60. It records the last 128 days of data for high voltage, low voltage, amp-hours created, etc. This helps us to get a sense of how much power we are using and whether we are getting enough sun to replenish the battery.
We mounted the charge controller just above the battery to keep the thicker gauge cable runs as short as possible. Since the controller is not a thing we needed access to all the time, we hid it inside our cabinets where it is still easy to access but not a decor piece in the van.
We mounted the charge controller as close to the battery as possible to keep wire runs short. |
Gathering supplies to wire up our solar panel, battery, and charge controller. |
It's aliiiiiive! First tests of the solar panel and charge controller. |
No butane torch? A butane cooktop also works pretty well on cable shrink-wrap! |
The charge controller is hidden in the back of our middle right cabinet area, but still easy to access when we want to look at how the solar or battery is doing. |
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